There is actually always a party to celebrate in the Australia. This list of the most popular festivals that can be found in the Australia will prove that again. Regardless of what time of the year it is or where you are, there are always festivities that take place in the neighborhood. That is why it is good to know that there is much more to experience in addition to the festivals and events that are mentioned here. Depending on your exact location, you can see what there is to do in the area so that you can enjoy all the beauty that the Australia has to offer.

It was not always easy to stay at home a lot lately. Unfortunately, because of the intelligent Lockdown and the subsequent measures in connection with COVID-19, there was often nothing else. But luckily most Australian people are very inventive and so all kinds of other options were found to still be together and to be able to celebrate a party. That's how people went looking for it The Australia Best Online Casino When the country had to close casinos, and online festivals were organized. This is because everyone could be together that way. In the meantime there are already a lot more things open, with which we hope that next year everything can return to what it was like.

Flower parade

The Australia and flowers are inextricably linked. The country is known for those beautiful tulips, which we will come back to again in this list, and many other flowers. Moreover, it is an important export product that plays a major role in the economy. There are several events that revolve around flowers. The flower parade is a good example of this. This parade is a huge party every year to see, so you actually have to have experienced it once.

In April the flower parade is on the agenda every year. There are around 20 floats and other vehicles that participate in this parade. The whole lasts four days. During these days the parade goes from Noordwijk to Haarlem, a route of approximately 42 kilometers. Along the way the flowers and daffodils are accompanied by all kinds of street artists and fanfares. After the end of the route has been reached, the flowers are placed in Haarlem so that they can be viewed by people. This makes it an event with a great end that can attract thousands of visitors and spectators every year.

Spring opening of the Keukenhof

If you are in the Australia when the start of spring is, you can't just let this pass by. It is the ideal moment to see all the colorful flowers in full bloom. This did not go unnoticed in the rest of the world. During this period, countless visitors from all over the world come to the Australia to experience this once. Most events today take place in the Bollenstreek, in the west of the Australia. Most flowers are grown here. All colors in the tulip fields make it a beautiful sight and very photogenic environment.

The Keukenhof is one of the largest flower gardens in the world. Every year there is a festival where visitors can come by to see all the beautiful flowers. It is even possible to buy flower bulbs here in all kinds of variants. When it takes place precisely depends somewhat when the flowers are in bloom, but this is usually from mid -March to mid -May. So there is enough time to visit the Keukenhof. The site is located in Lisse, also in the Bollenstreek in South Australia. In total there are more than a million flowers. In addition to tulips, you can find other flowers such as hyacinths and daffodils.

Australia Festival

Amsterdam is the capital and largest city in the Australia. Many tourists take this with them when they travel through the Australia and go for it at least a few days. The city is bursting with art, culture and history. There are beautiful squares with a huge number of entertainment venues. With various museums that are full of artworks from some of the greatest artists on the ground, enthusiasts can indulge themselves here. In addition to art there are numerous theaters and concert halls, so there is actually something for everyone in this impressive city.

Many of these things come together at the annual Australia Festival in Amsterdam. In June, all kinds of artists perform throughout the city from both at home and abroad. For example, performances take place in Royal Theater Carré, the Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ and the Westergasfabriek. As a enthusiast, you have the opportunity to visit events throughout the city, while again around this time of the year it is often going well. Music can be heard from all kinds of genres. Examples of this are classic and opera. There is also theater and attention to visual art and film.


Numerous events can be found in a city like Amsterdam. Some are on a huge scale and attract visitors around the world, others take place in a smaller, more modest way. The canal belt is actually the beating heart of the city. There are many canals through the city and it is beautiful to walk over the small bridges and narrow sidewalks from canal to canal. There are stores and entertainment venues everywhere, so there is a lot to do for visitors. This makes it ideal for a night out in the capital.

During the Grachtenfestival, the unique character of the canals and the city is celebrated. This festival lasts a total of 10 days in which the canals are completely central. That these are special was also noticed in the rest of the world. The Amsterdam canals are on the UNESCO World Heritage List. During the Grachtenfestival, around 150 classic concerts take place at all kinds of locations around the canals. A highlight of this annual event is the concert on the Prinsengracht. This is held on a pontoon that is located at the Pulitzer Hotel.

GLOW Festival

Eindhoven City also known as the city of lights. Of course there is a reason for this, namely that Philips comes from Eindhoven. The large lamp and electronics company plays an important role for the city. A huge number of people work at the group. In addition, there is a campus in Eindhoven that focuses on technology and works closely with the company. At first, Philips also had the name attached to it, but this is no longer the case. Yet the city is always connected to light and lamps, which is why this is celebrated in a special way, and with the GLOW Festival.

When it used to get dark and almost winter, the ideal time comes of course to illuminate the city. That is why GLOW Festival is organized every year in November. In total there is a route of around 6 kilometers that leads throughout the city. Not only is the entire route illuminated, there are also important buildings on the way, such as the Catharinakerk. The precise route changes every year so that other places and neighborhoods in the city are literally and figuratively in the spotlights. There is also the Glow Run. This is a run in which the participants can dress up in luminous outfits.